Search results for:
caribbean family

Hot new hotel openings for 2020

20th December 2019
by Rhodri Andrews

A new year is always exciting but at Turquoise we’re really excited for 2020, as several of our favourite boltholes are reopening after refurbishments and there’s lots of new hotels arriving on the scene. From trendy beach boutiques to simple farm living on centuries-old wine estates, here’s some of our top picks opening their doors […]

Natural Nevis

5th November 2019
by Sarah Tuck

If you’re longing for a peaceful escape to a place of extraordinary natural beauty, the twin islands of St. Kitts & Nevis in the Caribbean are perfect. As sugar production was the main industry here up until as recently as 2005, the tourist trade is still young, so everywhere feels wonderfully welcoming, refreshingly uncrowded and […]

Love where you go

"Travel is all about experience. It’s the people, places, locals and landscapes which inspire us every day"

Love where you go

"Turquoise is all about putting the passion and glamour back into the travel experience. Love where you go"

Love where you go

"Holidays to Jamaica give you everything you could possibly wish for. Perfect beaches, crystal clear waters, relaxation and thrill seeking day trips.’"

Love where you go

"Vietnam is such a diverse country: from its vibrant cities and fantastic food scene to its iridescent beaches."