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A journey through Mauritius

7th November 2024
by Mandy Wood

I have just got back from an amazing trip to Mauritius where I was lucky enough to visit a handful of the amazing resorts we sell and wow did they exceed all my expectations! We landed after flying overnight with Air Mauritius, who did a great job looking after us on their direct service from […]

Notre Dame Auxiliatrice – Mauritius

1st November 2024
by Lisa Mason

Notre Dame Auxiliatrice chapel in Mauritius was founded in 1938 and welcomes many tourists to join in on Sunday morning mass. Situated on the most northern point of the island, it looks out to the five northern islets, one being Coin de Mire. Known as the Little Red Church in the small fishing village of […]

Love where you go

"Travel is all about experience. It’s the people, places, locals and landscapes which inspire us every day"

Love where you go

"Turquoise is all about putting the passion and glamour back into the travel experience. Love where you go"

Love where you go

"Holidays to Jamaica give you everything you could possibly wish for. Perfect beaches, crystal clear waters, relaxation and thrill seeking day trips.’"

Love where you go

"Vietnam is such a diverse country: from its vibrant cities and fantastic food scene to its iridescent beaches."