To the Kiwi food and wine lover, ‘Cuisine’ Magazine is our bible, with a tantalizing array of meals and menus on display every alternate month along with wine recommendations and their prestigious NZ Restaurant of the Year Award.
This year two of our favourite NZ Winery Restaurants topped the scales
and won Best Winery Restaurant – Pegasus Bay in the Waipara District of Canterbury; and Runner Up –Terrôir at Craggy Range in the Hawkes Bay.
Pegasus Bay Vineyard is located in the WaiparaValley just 40 minutes drive north of Christchurch and a couple of hours drive south of Kaikoura. This picturesque valley is the fastest growing wine region in New Zealand with over 80 vineyards. Whilst Craggy Range is one of the H
awkes Bay most famous vineyards.
If you wish to stay in either of these wonderful areas and sample what the region and these restaurants have to offer Turquoise can arrange luxury retreats in either Dry Paddocks in Waipara, or The Factory in Kaikoura; and Toms Cottages, or Millar Road in the Hawkes Bay region. For more information, please contact our specialist New Zealand consultants on 01494 678400.